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10 Ways To Help Your Child Fall In Love With Reading

September 13, 2017


If you’re a parent, you probably already know how important reading is for your child. Research has shown that whether or not a child reads for fun is one of the strongest indicators of how well they will do in school regardless of their social or economic background! Studies also show that children who read for fun are more likely to perform well on tests, develop a large vocabulary and have a deeper understanding of other cultures.

Although there are tons of benefits of reading for children, some kids just don’t like to read. If you’re the parent of a child that doesn’t like to read, don’t panic! Just because they don’t enjoy reading now doesn’t mean they never will. Read our tips below for 10 things you can do to nurture a love of books in your child, and turn them from a reluctant reader into an avid bookworm:

1. Check Your Levels

Nothing is more discouraging to a child than struggling to read a book that is too hard. Challenging your child is okay, but it’s important to understand your child’s current reading level first. Always buy books that are appropriate for your child’s reading level and wait until they are comfortable reading those books before pushing them to read something more challenging.

2. Make It A Kid Pick

Next time you take your kiddo to the library or go out shopping for books, let them pick out what to read. Doing this empowers children to explore their own interests and helps them get genuinely excited about reading. It also ensures that they’ll be reading books about topics they’re actually interested in.

3. Mix It Up

Reading doesn’t only mean “chapter books” and fiction. If you sense your child is getting bored with your regular reading routine try mixing it up by listening to an audiobook, reading a comic book/graphic novel, switching between fiction and non-fiction or reading a book from a genre you haven’t tried yet. The book that sparks your child’s lifelong love of reading could be from a genre they haven’t tried yet!

4. Create A Special Reading Area

Create a space that’s conducive to reading by working with your kid to build a reading area in your home that’s comfortable, fun and distraction-free. The more your child enjoys being in this space, the more likely they are to look forward to their reading time.

5. Get Them Engaged

Show your child how much fun reading can be by being an enthusiastic storyteller! If you’re reading out loud, use funny voices, props and acting where appropriate to help bring the story to life. If you’re reading a longer story together, remind your child about what happened the last time you were reading and speculate about where the story might go next. After you finish reading, be sure to ask your child how they felt about the story – What did they like best? What did they like least? What did they learn? If they still can’t seem to get into reading, make reading a game! Create a sticker chart or offer your child prizes, like a trip to the zoo or a pool party with friends, for reading a certain number of books.

6. Build Their Confidence

Encouragement from a loving parent is one of the biggest, most powerful motivators for children. While reading with your child, be patient and remind them how proud you are of them for reading. When you see your child struggling with a new word, build them up by reminding them of all the other hard words they already learned and cheer them on as they work it out. The more confidence they build, the more they will be able to relax and enjoy reading.

7. Easy Access

Make sure that your children’s books are easily accessible at all times! By making books your family go-to instead of the TV remote, your kids will start to gravitate more and more to reading for pleasure.

8. Give Books As Gifts

Give your children books as presents, just as you would toys. Doing this shows children that books are valuable, exciting and fun!

9. Don’t Break For Vacation

It may be tempting to ditch your regular reading routine when your kids are on break from school, but doing so could be a step backward for your child. Continue reading regularly with your child during their winter and summer vacations to prevent reading regression and learning loss.

10. Do A Little Every Day

Try and read every day with your child, even if it’s only 10 or 15 minutes. Doing this helps model reading as an important, daily activity and will help them get in the habit of reading daily themselves.

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