
maple leaf girl

Try Out Our New Online Courses.

Online Courses

Water Safety

Water safety is important for all ages, but especially for toddlers. Drowning is the leading cause of death in children 1-4 years old. Young children can drown in as little as an inch or two of water, and it can happen quickly and silently. Join our class and learn how to create layers of protection to keep your family safe and reduce drowning risks.

Overcoming Bedtime Battles

Learn how to create healthy sleep habits for your child, including the necessary amount of sleep for different ages, bedtime routines, and parenting tips to smooth the way.

Promoting Secure Attachment

Secure attachment is the foundation for healthy relationships from childhood into adulthood. Explore parenting strategies and interactions to foster healthy attachment in your child’s life.

Parenting on the Same Page

Information and strategies for co-parenting children whether you’re in the same or separate households.
Explore your parenting style and motivation to create a foundation to approach parenting and further support your children’s growth into healthy adults

Positive Discipline and Guidance

Positive discipline techniques promote behavior control, self esteem, and self-worth. Learn how to pro-actively encourage the behavior you want to see with these positive parenting strategies.

Healing Trauma

Helping your child heal after they have experienced a traumatic event can be a long and difficult journey. Learn what some common behaviors are that you
might see, how to effectively communicate about the trauma, and how you can support your child along the way.

Child Development

An overview of developmentally appropriate physical, cognitive, social and emotional milestones from birth to 11-years. Learn how to help address key features within each developmental stage.

Managing stress as a parent

Stress effects all aspects of our lives, including parenting. Explore healthy strategies to manage stress and create a plan to enhance your current parenting practices.