As temperatures heat up and schools release for the summer many families in our community are wondering how they are going to make ends meet. Child Crisis Arizona is proud to partner with United Food Bank to provide a once-a-month food bank at our Mesa Campus.
Community members can receive fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, and other necessities at no cost on the second Friday of each month at the Mesa campus. There are no requirements for families to receive this service.
"This is a big help for me," said Violeta, who was collecting food for her family at the food bank in June. "I have two kids that I need to feed. They love oranges and bread and it's good for them. Thank you for helping me and my family."
Every day the children that attend Early Head Start programs at Child Crisis Arizona receive free breakfast and lunch but the staff was realizing many of those same children would go home to little or no food on the weekends. Through a collaboration with United Food Bank, Child Crisis Arizona was able to bring the food to the families.
"We know many of the families we serve struggle to keep food on the table," said Torrie Taj, CEO of Child Crisis Arizona. "When kids are hungry it has a ripple effect in their behavior, their ability to focus and their energy level. This food bank is meeting a critical need."
The food bank will be available for families year round.