
Foster Care Resources

At Child Crisis Arizona, we understand the complexities and joys that come with fostering and adoption, and our goal is to ensure you have easy access to a wide array of tools and resources. Whether you’re seeking guidance on parenting strategies, educational resources, or emotional well-being, we’ve gathered a collection of resources that cater to your specific needs. Below you will find a wealth of helpful links and comprehensive information, to empower and guide you on your foster and adoption journey.

After School Activities
Birthday Celebrations and Holidays
Clothes and Hygiene Essentials (including diapers)
CPR and First Aid Training
Car Seat
Crib/Pack n play
Financial Literacy & Life Skills for Foster Teens
Food Boxes
Housing for Teens Aging Out
Job Opportunities for Teens
Licensing Essentials: First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Alarms, Rabies Vaccine, Gun Trigger Locks
LGBTQ+ Resources
Pool Fence
Support Groups
School Supplies
Technology for Teens in Care

We proudly support diversity and inclusion for all people.

Our services are fully inclusive of all individuals regardless of race, color, religious beliefs, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.