Christopher’s life began with tragedy. Born with cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus, he was abandoned at the hospital. For six months the Department of Child Safety sought a caregiver for Christopher, who was in a vegetative state due to his medical challenges.
In September of 2022 Miguel and Floriberto received a call, asking if they would care for Christopher. Miguel was Christopher’s maternal great uncle but he had no idea that Christopher had been born and after speaking with doctors it was unclear if Christopher would even live more than a few days. Without hesitation, Miguel and Floriberto agreed to take custody of the baby andgive him the best life they possibly could.
Miguel and Floriberto began attending multiple trainings, therapies and meetings with medical providers to learn to care for Christopher’s needs. As they moved forward with caring for Christopher physically, they also reached out to Child Crisis Arizona, to get support with the legal process of adopting Christopher.
More than a year later Christopher is a strong, sweetboy. He has survived multiple surgeries and has even begun to walk and say a few words. On February 8, 2024, he was adopted by Miguel and Floriberto.
“I’m very happy,” Miguel said. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this day. We are blessed.”
There are thousands of children in Arizona’s foster care system in need of a stable, loving home. To learn more about foster care and adoption, please join us for a virtual agency meet and greet.