"Thank you. You have helped my family with wipes and diapers and food in these difficult times. I do not know what I would had done without your help. We are very lucky to be in the program."
- Grateful family of five
Shelter & Safety. Two cornerstones that have built and defined Child Crisis Arizona for 43 years. We have committed ourselves to caring for the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Our work is critical and important to these families that trust us as their lifeline. When the pandemic hit, this became more evident with each passing day.
With the pandemic, came an entirely new layer of need. So many faced food insecurities, job loss, homelessness, lack of healthcare, and education for their young children. With a service community of over 6000, action and immediate impact were our two most important goals.
Child Crisis Arizona chose to become part of the solution for these immediate needs. We committed to continue our 24/7, head-to-toe care for children ages 0-17 without interruption. We held the hands of those who were hungry, creating a new service with curbside pick-up of breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday for 200 early education families. When we realized this may not be enough, added a weekly Thankful Thursday dinner providing 500 evening meals. Families were truly grateful. They already face challenges, living in true poverty. Some could stretch the portions to last more than a day. We received an outpouring of help from so many in the community. But, there is still more to do.
This is only the beginning…there is much more to be done. More resources are needed to optimize our ability to support these children and families. To that end, we have planned the first virtual fundraising event in our history, Brunch for Love, to air on October 15, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. We invite you to join us in our efforts in providing great impact.