Matt Fisher didn’t know from the first meeting that his son Geoff was meant to be a part of his family—but his sons did.
It was one of his sons who met Geoff first at an after-school program.
“One day I was picking my sons up from the after-school program and one of them was playing a card game with a third-grade boy,” Matt said. “As we walked to the car, my sons were telling me everything about that other boy, named Geoff, because they were around him frequently and he had made an impression on them.”
At the time, Matt was already going through the process to adopt a child. He was astonished when he was sitting down with a social worker a few days later and was shown a picture of that very same boy his sons had been talking about.
“When I told my sons that I believed God was bringing a certain boy into our family (being careful not to identify him in any way), all of my sons said they hoped it was a child similar to Geoff from the after-school program,” he said.“I forced myself to keep quiet until Geoff was officially introduced to my sons as their new brother.Geoff has been an amazing answer to prayer from the start.”
On Saturday, November 23, Geoff was officially adopted.
Matt is now a single father to six boys. He said while the transition of adding a new family member can be difficult at times it’s always worthwhile. Providing stability for a child gives them a chance to flourish, knowing they have love and support to fall back on.
“I am looking forward to seeing Geoff grow and become that amazing blessing to others because he has the acceptance and love from us; his family,” he said.
If Matt could give any advice to potential adoptive families it’s to find your support system and then jump in.
“I am very thankful for the support my family has received from so many people and organizations,” he said. “When I had to vent about something, I have always had a group ready to hear my problems. Even if they may not know what to say, they were willing to lend an ear. There are so many amazing people out there, working to help others in difficult situations, and our family is very grateful for everything they have done for us.”
Each year in November National Adoption day is celebrated around the country to bring awareness to the need for more adoptive and foster families. There are more than 13,000 children in foster care in Arizona.