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Respite Foster Care

September 22, 2016


Every story we hear from our foster parents is unique and genuinely a story all their own. From their family structure; a single dad who has been waiting for the right time to be a parent, a family who has grown children and looking to parent more to a grandfather who is working to foster his grandchildren. Though the length of time children are placed in foster homes vary greatly depending on the circumstances, the similarity remains that the imprint children leave on the hearts and minds of their foster parents and the community that surrounds them is palpable.

The dedication and love foster parents hold for their foster children is equally apparent. However, circumstances can arise that requires foster parents to ask for temporary assistance while dealing with personal situations that occur unexpectedly. Consistency, being such a crucial necessity is supported through our Respite Foster Care Program.

You can make a difference in a foster child’s life by providing respite foster care. Respite foster care is short term relief provided by one licensed foster home to another. The planned respite care provides the primary foster parent with an opportunity to handle any personal issues temporarily which allows for more effective care within the foster home.

As a licensed respite foster home, respite providers are able to focus on caring for the children during short periods of time. State licensing regulations will still need to be met, but many of the other partnering requirements will not be required. Some of the requirements like case manager visits, Child and Family Team Meetings, visitation scheduling and other court involved activities are not part of the typical respite care obligation. Respite providers are able to have flexibility in their schedules that traditional foster families do not have.

Respite foster care is beneficial not only to foster parents, but it is also vital to the children they care for. Children are able to maintain the security of knowing their foster parents are committed to taking care of them as opposed to being uprooted to a new placement.

If you are interested in finding out how to become a respite foster care parent, please give Child Crisis Arizona a call at 480.834.9424. Learn more about our Foster Care and Adoption Program here.