There is nothing more peaceful than a sleeping baby and in October, during Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, it’s a good time to make sure your baby is sleeping safe and sound.
There are five major tips for ensuring you baby is safe while sleeping.
- Lay your baby flat on their back to sleep. Once babies can roll back and forth from their back to their tummy on their own, you can leave them in whatever position they like. Until then, place them on their back.
- Crib accessories and stuffed toys are cute but can make a crib unsafe for a sleeping baby. Soft bedding can block a baby’s airway during sleep. A firm mattress with a tight-fitting crib sheet is all you need.
- If you worry about keeping your baby warm during cold night, choose a sleepsack or wearable blanket to keep them nice and cozy.
- Take time to inspect your crib. Choose a crib that was made after 2011. If you can fit a soda can between the slats of the crib your baby’s head or leg could get stuck. Make sure the mattress is firm and fits snugly. You can check for recalls on cribs on the Consumer Product Safety Commission website.
- Share your room, not your bed. It’s a good idea to keep your baby’s crib or bassinet in your bedroom for the first six months. Babies should not sleep on beds, sofas, recliners, chairs, soft surfaces or baby swings. If this happens, make sure to return your baby to a safe sleep environment.
As a parent you have a million things to worry about but making sure your baby is sleeping safe should be a top priority. You can find these safety tips and many more at