Halloween is a great time to get out and meet your neighbors but long before you go out trick or treating it’s important to teach your kids how to be safe while doing so.
Being safe starts before you leave the house. Make sure your child’s costume fits well and isn’t dragging on the ground or causing them to trip. Full face masks can make it difficult for small children to see. Try using a non-toxic face paint instead.
Decorate your child’s candy bag or costume with reflective tape or stickers and choose light-colored fabric to make them easy to see on the street. Incorporating a glow stick or two into their costume is also a good idea.
As you leave the house, remind your children to stay close to an adult. Children under 10 may have difficulty judging the distance between themselves and a moving car so it’s important that they stick with someone older.
Remind your children to only cross the street at corners. Look left, then right, then left again before crossing the street and watch carefully for cars. Teach your kids to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. As a parent it’s your job to put your phone down and limit distractions while walking with your kids through the neighborhood so you can ensure they are making good decisions.
If you’re planning on driving anywhere on Halloween night, be alert. Go extra slow through neighborhoods and pause for pedestrians. Most trick or treating happens between 5:30 and 8:30 pm.
For more tips on how to help kids become safer pedestrians on Halloween, and throughout the year, visit www.safekids.org.