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Volunteer spotlight: TDIndustries

April 20, 2020


TDIndustries is known for building and maintaining buildings across the Southwest but it’s the work they do to build our community that is truly outstanding. For the past six years employees from TDIndustries have volunteered their time and skills to benefit the children at Child Crisis Arizona. Each year the company sends more than 20 volunteers to spend hours working on a list of construction-related projects at Child Crisis Arizona facilities.

Representatives from TDIndustries walk through a list of possible projects months in advance and then reach out to their partners to help cover the cost of materials. TDIndustries always goes above and beyond to meet the needs of Child Crisis Arizona and often suggests additional ideas to improve on something they see.

The company’s expertise has been invaluable to Child Crisis Arizona. Over the years they have repaired plumbing, applied wainscoting, improved landscaping, painted and helped with deep cleaning at all of Child Crisis Arizona’s shelters. This year the staff at TDIndustries wanted to do something special for the teenage boys in foster care living at Child Crisis Arizona’s group home. They were able to give each boy a gift bag filled with tee shirts and swim trunks in addition to improving the home’s landscaping, light fixtures and closets.

Thank you TDI for giving so generously to the children at Child Crisis Arizona and helping build a better future for each of them!